Cosmopolitan Toastmasters
Cosmopolitan Toastmasters
Somewhat Better Speaking, Listening, Thinking and Eating
All information on this page is the swine truth. Accusations of mendacity are sinister, pathetic and evil...Cosmo Pigglesworth

Learning to Follow: Weekly Highlights
Learning to Follow: Weekly Highlights

These News Highlights are written mainly for those who missed the last meeting and for those who wish to re-live the previous meeting. Information about what happened during the business meeting can be found in the comprehensive minutes by Secretary Dawn Sheppard. Finally, always check the new auto-scheduler for assignments -which often change weekly.
We are currently meeting at the DoubleTree Hotel in Bloomington, MN and online with Zoom.
Note: click on the "Cosmo-Schedule" link above to find both the upcoming Schedule and the link to our Zoom Meeting.
note: Club Roles and Duties are explained within this website here.
Here is the current list of our new 2022-2023 Exec. Committee:
President: Rosie Dauth
Education V.P.: John Drewitz
Membership V.P.: George Heim
Pub. Rel. V.P.: Sam Charchian
Secretary: Dawn Sheppard
Treasurer: Spencer Olson
Sgt.-At-Arms: James Dunn
Past President is: Tom Renick
Note: See schedule. If you are unable to attend a meeting especially when you are assigned an important role, it is your duty to contact others on the schedule and make arrangements to swap or get a volunteer to fill-in for you. Do not leave the Toastmaster or General Evaluator holding the bag.
Club Etiquette: Put away cell phones.....take the floor (stand) when speaking......no side conversations
If you missed a meeting, be sure to check: "Detailed Minutes" .........and always check the ever-changing "Cosmo-Schedule" page.